Browser extensions

Browser extension

I wanted to focus on what the extensions i usually install in the browsers. These are the bare essential who i install.

Ublock origin

UBlock origin is a solid ad block extension in the sea of ad block extensions that are there, it has a small memory footprint. There is also adnauseum which obfuscates the ad data gathered, making it difficult to get a precise data on you or your activity. I generally recommend the usage of uBlock Origin over adnauseum as it has a smaller memory footprint and plainly blocks ads which might break some websites, but for the most part it doesn’t.

Local CDN

CDN refers to content delivery network. The local CDN aims to replace the usage of external javascript libraries with local ones provided by the extension hence making sure that no extra information is shared between thrid-party websites when you access an website.


Sponsorblock is a community driven effort to block ads built into youtube videos , like sponsorship mentions and non-music segment in music video. It does a pretty good job and if there isn’t a sponsor skip for a video your’e watching you could contribute it yourself. Which helps the next user who stumbles on the video. Overall this extension is a must when watch youtube videos

KellyC Youtube dislike

This extensions is slightly more straight forward than return you disklike also gives you the options to switch api for the dislike ratio. It is fuss free and more configurable than return youtube dislike causing me to lean over to it.


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