Jack of All Trades, Master of Some
Jack of All Trades, Master of Some

Author: Sivabramanian Ramanthan

January 6, 2023 Using Customer Development to Validate Assumptions for Product Managers

Customer development As a product manager, it’s essential to have a scientific approach to validate the assumptions you make about…

January 6, 2023 Choosing the Right Interview Approach for Your Product Management Needs

Choosing the Right Interview Approach for Your Product Management Needs As a product manager, you know that choosing the right…

November 29, 2022 Biases to taking into consideration for interviews

Bias to take note of when planning interviews. This can be a key pitfall in data collection which might inadvertently affect the product development.

November 28, 2022 Business model canvas – customer segment

Explores business canvas customer segment types such as mass market, niche market, segmented, diversified and multi-sided platforms.

November 28, 2022 Interview medium’s

Interviews can be broken down based on the medium in which they are conducted. This article aims to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods.

November 8, 2022 About me

Name : Sivasubramanian Ramanathan Phone: + 65 98272558 email: Experience Laboratory research Assistant, 2017 – 2018 Walter HUNZIKER lab,…

April 30, 2022 Browser extensions

Browser extension I wanted to focus on what the extensions i usually install in the browsers. These are the bare…

April 23, 2022 Web browser

Linux Web browser I am currently using Arch Linux and have been hopping distributions for a while but have had…